Saturday, January 23, 2016

I do love sandwiches

Last week was intense, maybe not for you which in that case you're a lucky duck but for all you readers out their last week was pretty brutal for me. Well, in case you were curious I haven't heard anything from the restaurant. Which I am still feeling good about because at least they were interested. The only downfall is they had amazing food and I would feel weird eating there for a while. My sister says awkward girl in trash can, ( make a peace sign and wrap your other hand around the bottom, it looks like legs coming out of a trash can) mean girl reference.

Anyway I'm still cooking, this week I was thinking about the question I asked you last week. A time you were nervous and excited for a meal. No, the first thing was not the night my husband proposed though we did have amazing food. It wasn't even the night we went on our first date. It was the first lunch we had together. But first let me back up and do a condensed version of how we met. Don't worry it all fits together I'm not turning into a romance writer on you. We met in collage in the dinning hall. I was with my roommate and him and a friend sat down with us. We talked for a good thirty minutes with him not speaking just eating sandwich after sandwich (he was vegan at the time and would eat about three sandwiches every meal, peanut butter and honey). Due to the sandwiches he was eating we all were talking about the best type of sandwich, I mentioned how I just started eating Nutella and I thought peanut butter Nutella was the best in a sandwich maker. It melts the ingredients and puts them in a sealed pocket which is so good. First words he spoke "here have you been all my life"? From there he did some dark pedaling and there was a fair amount of teasing. In the end  we decided I should make said sandwich for him. Which leads us to our first lunch.

This story is not as good. I made the sandwich and he ate a whole loaf worth excluding my two slices. Since then Nutella is a little inside romantic gesture whenever he gets it for me. I happen to have Nutella in the house this week and decided to make myself a sandwich. The only thing is we didn't have any bread, we did though have pita so it's practically the same thing. I added some toasted pecans which made it a grown up sandwich. Plus gave it a great crunch without making it too peanuty. This is my play on that wonderful sandwich that introduced me to my husband.

As for next week I hope to bring you something a little more challenging. Though even the most simple of meals can burning back the fondest of memories. Next week I'll try something new be adventurous, why don't you try too. Go to the store and find something you have never cooked with and see what you can make.

P.S. We had this sandwich at our wedding.

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