Thursday, July 26, 2012

Routine in a foriegn land

Well what can I say, I am starting to settle in. I have my daily routines and my work habits that come and go week from week. I do love routine. Every Monday I know I will be in the kitchen, then youth group, followed by aerobics class with some of the ladies. When we are done my host mother and I walk home talking about our day and then sit and eat chocolate due to the fact that we just worked out and it makes us want sweets. Routine being what wakes me in the morning knowing the essentials of how my day will play out yet still being open for new and surprising things.

One of those surprising things was a visit to Schonbrunn Palace.  I was able to walk around the queens gardens admiring the lush green trees that encase the crimson red and canary yellow roses. All being tended by Austrian men of different ages listening to hip hop music in English. The sounds of languages going by from China, to Russia and back again. Everyone intent on finding the hidden treasures the queen loved so much. The secret bench is encased by bushes for a couple to sit alone, the fountain where fresh water flows, the baby birds chirping overhead, and the trees so large the path is shaded by their branches above. It was glorious stepping into a part of history looking as lovely as when the queen herself road through in her horse drawn carriage. I am sure to return.

This past week I was able to speak at the mid-week service. I never really have liked the sound of my voice behind a microphone, but I was glad to have been asked. With a translator by my side all turned out well. The whole service was meant to represent an art - form from solo songs to paintings done on stage. The fact that some people can learn through art as much as others can learn through the spoken word makes me so glad we were able to combine a few ways of learning into one service.

When I first arrived I landed hearing the sound of a loud bang and seeing a flash of light.  Lightning and thunder continued until this last week when the sun finally decided to show its face.  We had water baptisms on Sunday at the Danube River - with perfect weather.  We also enjoyed an outing to the local pool.

This week we are hosting a conference.  The speaker hails from Texas - which isn't surprising since the pastor loves that state.  We are about to encounter day two and the topic is Jesus loves you. The simplicity in the words captures the depth in the message.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Party not in the USA

Hello people around the world.  I have been in Vienna for two weeks now.  Let's just say this week has been jammed packed with adventures.  My first European bachelorette party was different than in America simply because we all got to parade the "bride to be" around town and do silly things.  I also went to a  few birthday parties outside of Vienna but still in Austria.  Everywhere we go in Austria is so beautiful.

During the party I tried to remember all the German I am learning.  I applaud anyone who knows two or more languages.  It is quite difficult for me.  I am at the point where the Spanish I learned years ago is starting to be remembered instead of the German.  This is extremely hard when ordering a cheeseburger and you have three languages going on in your head.  This becomes even more difficult when people are talking to me in German and I know how to answer in both Spanish and English but cannot for the life of me remember how to answer in German.

Back to what I am doing after church this weekend - we will not only be hosting a wedding but also an engagement party.  It should be fun.  On other notes, if you read last week Cheezy the hamster has made an impression on me.  I was able to do a small photo shoot of him and he is adorable as always.  You can look online at the pictures that I have posted so far.

Goodbye for now.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A hampster named cheesee

What can I say I enjoy Austria just as much as last time. The people are so sweet and friendly. I have been here one week and other than getting lost in the airport nothing to scary has happened. I have made a new friend named Cheese-Choosie (spelling may be off) he is so cute and cuddly. He lives with me, he is the pet hampster. At church I was able to attend the prayer group and it was so nice to see members of the congregation come together and pray for one another. This was my first Sunday at church, Kephas Church to be exact. There was a guest speaker named Jan Erikson. He was a pimp and then converted to christianity and preaches worldwide about it. After the youth all went out to an amusement park, it is more like a carnival that is permanent.

The lady that is housing me is amazing. I am blessed at how well we get along. Well more to come and thanks for catching up with me. Goodbye for now from Vienna.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Europe here I come

Well I am off on another adventure. I will be leaving America in 26 hours. I have a 26 hour flight to look forward to. I can not wait to get going. Europe was amazing the first time and the second time will for sure be even better. I am all packed and ready now I just have to wait. I am sure to miss all of my family and friends. But if you are bored you can always come and visit. Austria is beautiful this time of year. Wish me luck. See you all in two months, and have a wonderful time where ever the wind takes you. Embrace everything I know I will. Also keep checking in on me, I will be keeping you all updated with pictures and stories.