Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bachlor Pad Without the Bachlor

Tio left for a conference this week and so it's women only in the house. Woot Woot, party. So, what do two grown woman do when there are no men around? Women reading this already are thinking of a list of things they would do. Men, if your reading this lean in close and I will tell you. When you leave the house women... ready for it - go about their day like normal. I am so glad to be the one to share that with all of you men. To be honest Tia and I actually haven't been in the house much ourselves.

I taught English class solo on Wednesday due to a sick child needing someone to care for her. It was fun. I taught about slang words. No matter where you go, what language you are learning, slang words are always a hit. I won't bore you with the details of my planning process but I will tell you one thing... I am not hip. Shall I elaborate? While trying to find slang words I ran across a few online dictionaries that said they would be helpful. First of all, not everything you read online is true. I know that because most websites were not helpful at all. Second, slang is intense. I thought I new a decent amount but apparently I don't. Let's be honest if you want to know if you led a sheltered life go to an online dictionary of slang words and see how many you have heard of.  Better yet see how many slang words you know the definition for. I'm pretty sure from what I read I need to gouge my eyes out. I didn't know some things existed let alone had a slang way of saying them. I want to be clear ALL the slang I taught was appropriate and clean.

Skyped family for Thanksgiving
Those of you reading this from the good old US of A know that Thursday was Thanksgiving. For everyone else in the world it is simple Thursday. So what did I do, being torn in two on this day. For one, I wished my father a happy birthday from Peru. Which for those of you who have never gotten a birthday wish from another country it is one of the coolest feelings knowing you know someone who lives in another country. Back to what I did, as those of you who have been following this adventure know by now Thursday is when I work with the children at Semillas . I left early and me and another Tia made pasta for lunch for all of the kids. It was good, if I do say so myself. Although I mostly stirred stuff and washed dishes. This was the first Thanksgiving for me to be away from home so I added a little USA to the day (ha ha that rhymed) my friend and I made deviled eggs or as my mother calls them angel eggs.

Can I just say Telephone Pictionary is very funny. For those of you who have never played either of the games Telephone or Pictinary let me just say that alone they make you LOL but together you ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing). I hope I used those right, it was my first time abbreviating. I feel so hip. Any who back to the game which we played in English class. I am no artist - by this I mean that finger painting by a parrot looks like Picasso next to my artwork. Add the fact that with having people attempt to describe your work in one sentence makes the situation so much funnier. At one point in the game it went from "trying on a new sweater" to "Kortni steals money from under her chair to go shopping at the mall". You guessed right, my picture was the reason the next person got it so wrong.  And that was one of my better drawings! Then, on the other end of the spectrum was the artist in our group drawing a llama with socks, a scarf and some light rain.  Also looked like the llama had just walked out of the field and onto his piece of paper. What a show off! Either way it went, it was funny and we were all laughing by the end of both classes.

All in all this week has been good. It has gone by faster than I ever thought it could go. Until next time, remember you are blessed and find joy in the small things.

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