Sunday, January 13, 2013

Healthiest oatmeal cookies

I know this is not a food blog. But these are too good not to share. These cookies deserve to be on this blog due to the fact they were invented by me while in Peru. I am not one to be over healthy I like cookies too much and can’t refuse a slice of birthday cake or two.
The Tia I lived with while in Peru has cancer. She had decided to not do treatment but do the healthy alternative. She only ate all natural food. On top of that she could not eat any dairy. Loving food so much it made me sad when she would make her grandson cookies but couldn’t eat any. So since I knew there were vegan cookies out there I thought I would take my chances. I told her I was going to find her a cookie she could eat.

This is where my search began. Problems with vegan cookies they use baking powder, lactose free milk, vanilla extract. These items she cannot eat or they are not found in the area I was living in. So I took the items out added tofu well because she had it and it couldn’t hurt. Then some homemade honey she is allowed to eat and the rest is history. So this is my take on healthy oatmeal cookies.

3 ripe bananas
1 peeled and then graded red apple
2 cups oats
2 spoon full of tofu (not needed but is good for you)
2 spoon full of honey (if you have stevia you could use 1 spoonful of this instead)

If you want to add nuts or chocolate chips maybe even a berry or all three you can do so. The second batch we made I added 1 cup smashed walnuts.
These either are baked or eaten with a spoon. Just mix until it is creamy. They were the best oatmeal cookies I have had. So soft due to the banana and so healthy it is okay if you eat the whole batch, which we did.